Hello world!

Well, isn’t this something…I have a blog. Want to know a secret? I have absolutely no idea what I am doing! It’s true. I googled “how to start a blog” and I found this guy, Scott Chow. His content is awesome and it walked me through some steps that said I could be up and running in 20 minutes. That was 4 and a half hours ago! The good news is that he has an SOS line that I plan to use first thing tomorrow to get some help figuring this out. So, please bear with me as I learn the technology part of this new found world of blogging. I promise to make this space functional and pretty. For now it’s raw. Rather, it’s authentic.

Why a blog? I’ve heard a bazillion times that I should write a book and I plan to. Let’s just say that this is a baby step in that direction. For now, I want to create a space that allows me to be me, as I am. Unapologetically. The funny thing is I’m working to figure out who me is. I think more people are searching for their true identity than care to admit. Some may not even know they aren’t being themselves until they have a life changing experience like loss of a loved one, career change, illness, parenting, financial stress or retirement. These things force us to evaluate who we are, what we want and what types of changes we need to make to live the life we want. It’s a good thing for you that I’ve had all of those things happen in my life (plus more) and I want to share my stories with you. I hope in some way that the “adventures” that I’ve had in my life will serve as an example to show you that you are not alone. We all have stuff. Even those rich, famous, beautiful people we are addicted to on ista and tik tok have stuff. I measured myself and my worth by others for 6 decades. I changed who I was, people pleased, waffled on my values to be accepted and invested so much time wondering what was wrong with me that I missed out on living this one beautiful life I have to it’s fullest. Nearly dying in June of 2023 changed all of that. I’ll share more of that adventure in a different blog (it actually may take a few lol).

For today, I invite you to join me as I continue to let go of things that have weighed me down for too long, discover parts of me that I never knew existed and strive to live authentically. Along the way, there will be tears, laughter, wisdom, lessons, inspiration and truths. You never know what you may find here! I promise you this, actually, I promise myself to live my life according to my values and goals, rather than those of other peoples. This is the definition of living authentically. I’m just me. A woman who is figuring it all out as I go. I’m a lot like you.

So, pull up a chair. Pour yourself a cup of coffee and let’s get to it. Thanks for being here.

All my best,


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